Friday, May 30, 2008

Fantastic Friday

It's Friday----and for most of you hard working fellows it means the end of the work week.

For me it means we are a day closer to the start of school. Yeah I know it is still 10 weeks away but any small movement towards the goal is indeed movement. The boys actually haven't been extremely terrible (yet). They are not real happy with the the fact that they still have to do "school" work. TOO BAD BUBBAS! I know I am the "MEAN" Mom, but I remember what the beginning of school was like last year and I am not going through that with A. again. "My hand hurts"---"I'm tired of writing". How about a little cheese with that whine?

So this summer is a little bit of work and a little bit of play and we will see what the rest holds based on the behavior of the Bubbas.

Today I took them out to do errands. While not trying too think to much about the price of gas for the trip....I warned them that they were to behave in each store and keep there hands to themselves (apparently this is a lot harder than I remember it being when I was a kid). They each got one warning and then some sort of discipline ensued. For N. it was a time out. For A. it is to copy a times table 5 times (because he is not memorizing his times tables). A. has figured out which of the times tables are the easiest and always asks if he can choose those (1's,2's, 5's, 10's, and 11's)--which I always say "No---because obviously you have those memorized and need to work on the others" . Any way A. is having a friend over this afternoon. So at least he will be excited about something.

A. had his weight check yesterday. He has gained weight but not as much as they would've liked and they are sceptical that his height from last time was correct because they don't think he could have grown 2 cm in 6 weeks. While he is looking taller--2 cm is a a lot for that period of time.

Friday night dinner---Tequila Lime Turkey Tenderloin and bean burritos. YUM!!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Well we could try this again---I totally dropped off the face of the earth.

Just to busy with life. A. has been to multiple specialists to see why he isn't growing. Turns out there is no "medical" reason. However through an endcrinologist, a gastroenterologist, and a nutritionist he is gaining weight.

Feeding him is a full day..... 3 meals, 3 snacks, 1 to 2 supplement shakes---good fats, lots of proteins, calorie dense food. Now that school is out for the summer it should be a bit easier. School was also a chore for him this year and hopefully we will keep on track with "summer" work this summer so that the flow into 4th grade won't be as hard.

N. is now a 1st grader. Sadly we are done with Kindergarten. I had a very hard time saying goodbye to the kindergarten teacher. It was the same with the preschool teacher.... we know that we are done with these things . There is no child to follow behind N. Very sad.....but I still don't see another Moore in the future.

Well tomorrow is the first full day of summer break.....A. has Karate and N. will go to tomorrow nights class. We will tape Deadliest Catch to watch the next night.

Monday Dinner- Pork Chops (from the Pork Shop), seasoned potatoes, green beans and watermelon.