Friday, August 31, 2007

Freaky Friday

Well it has been a couple of days since I posted. We have been crazy in Birthday Land. So A. is now 8 and a proud owner of a scarlet/black Nintendo DS. I know he is spoiled.

Today was my first day of work. I really need to call it something else--because it was too much fun to be called work. Seriously though---I feel like my feet might fall off and I was only there for 5 and half hours.

I came home to flowers. D. is the 2nd greatest husband in the world. I say second because I heard about a husband who signed his wife up for beginning quilt classes, bought the book and a sewing machine. On the first day of class he came into to see how she was doing and learned she didn't have a 1/4 inch foot for her machine, found the nearest machine dealer, go the foot and delivered it to her before class was over. That is love!!!! But seriously I am extremely lucky to have Derek.

So the week is over and we have a long weekend. N. has homework for the weekend. I know homework in Kindergarten. We will be searching magazines for the letter T and things that start with the letter T.

Friday's Dinner: Little Caesar's Pizza---birthday celebration on going.

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