Monday, August 27, 2007


Yes folks it is Monday! What does Monday mean for the Moores??? The wee men go off to school. The big man goes to work and I CLEAN.

I dust, do the mirrors, give the kitchen a good wipe down, vacuum, clean the toilets (a fun job in a house with 3 guys),and do 2 loads of laundry. In general just CLEAN.

Sadly with Monday comes homework, and A has not been on his A game if you know what I mean. I am having to be the "drill sergeant" and I am verrrrry tired of his inablity to stay on task.

N and I dealt in "homework" today as well. We practiced writing lower case t, b, and f. They do this cute little thing about sky line, plane line, grass line and worm line in kindergarten. Well we got some practice out of him today.

I also made the day for every one---scratch BROWNIES. Yes I one makes brownies from scratch anymore. But I don't like them out of the box....and let me tell you I was lovin' these brownies. I had three before the kids got home from school.

The other big news---The Walt Disney World Vaction stuff arrived today. I can' wait for this trip.

MONDAYS DINNER PLAN: Asian Ckicken salad (that we should've had last night).

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