Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

After a pleasant morning at home, we headed to the other side of the world (other side of town) to celebrate mothers day with D's mom and family. What an enjoyable day. Everyone chipped in a little bit. So no one had to take on too much.

And there were some yummy things. D's sister in law and brother made some delicious blueberry bars. I've asked for the recipe.

After brunch we traveled the long track back to our side of the world, stopping at Target for a vacuum cleaner. I am never happy after buying a vacuum cleaner. Everyone keep telling spend the money buy a Dyson---but I've heard quilters complain about them so.........I didn't do it.

We tried a delicious recipe from Lifetime's new show Cook Yourself Thin . We tried the Sweet and Sour Pork Chops. Yummy!!! I really liked it. Would it save me from ordering from Pei Wei's--maybe. But I felt a lot better about myself after feeding it to myself and my family.

Which leads me to a slightly diffrent topic...buying clothes. I hate shopping for clothes almost as much as a hate shopping for shoes. Yes there are people who don't like shopping for shoes. Any way, I tried on some shorts and I could fit in a XX with some room, so I tried on a smaller size. I could button them and and they weren't bad around the waist but the behind was tight. I couldn't bring myself to buy either. I just don't know how I could buy the larger pair when I am very slowly (snails pace) loosing weight.

Well enough of my odd ball thoughts and on to the rest of this rest day.

9 more days of school.

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