Friday, August 31, 2007

Freaky Friday

Well it has been a couple of days since I posted. We have been crazy in Birthday Land. So A. is now 8 and a proud owner of a scarlet/black Nintendo DS. I know he is spoiled.

Today was my first day of work. I really need to call it something else--because it was too much fun to be called work. Seriously though---I feel like my feet might fall off and I was only there for 5 and half hours.

I came home to flowers. D. is the 2nd greatest husband in the world. I say second because I heard about a husband who signed his wife up for beginning quilt classes, bought the book and a sewing machine. On the first day of class he came into to see how she was doing and learned she didn't have a 1/4 inch foot for her machine, found the nearest machine dealer, go the foot and delivered it to her before class was over. That is love!!!! But seriously I am extremely lucky to have Derek.

So the week is over and we have a long weekend. N. has homework for the weekend. I know homework in Kindergarten. We will be searching magazines for the letter T and things that start with the letter T.

Friday's Dinner: Little Caesar's Pizza---birthday celebration on going.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Today was a calm day. I have been a reflective mood for most of the day.

After getting the boys off on the bus, I met my cousin Mel, and my Aunt for breakfast a Paradise Cafe. It was a relaxing morning. I didn't feel rushed and very much enjoyed the company of these special women. I am reminded though that I have no sisters and have no daughters. It is a reminder to enjoy the relationships we do have in our lives.

After breakfast I ran a few errands (the bookstore and a few groceries). After I got home I assembled a "Freezer Meal" A Freezer Meal is assembling a recipe in a freezer bag, freezining it and one day in the next few weeks when I am desperate for a dinner, I will pull it out and in this case toss it into the slow cooker. Today I made Ann's Caccitore from the Fix It and Forget It Cookbook.

The boys were in a " I want" mode this afternoon. N. wanted to play Wii the second he got out of the explorer. He doesn't quite understand the concept of "homework time". He has started "Fundations" this week so we are starting to practice writing his lower case letters this week. A. got his homework out of the way pretty quickly today. However he did forget an AR book. This is happening with regular frequency. Sadly for him I have a library of books, and access to the database, so we can find a suitable replacement.

I finished a book this evening. " The Diary of Mattie Spencer" by Sandra Dallas. Ms. Dallas tends to write historical fiction that always seems to grab me. This book is written in "diary" format and I found it a little slow but still a good read.

TUESDAY DINNER: Robin Miller's Tortilla Lasagna and Avocado Bean Dip. This was new recipe. One I don't think I will be making again. D. was the only one who liked it but he has a thing for casseroles. I will however make the dip again as I liked it very much and so did D.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Yes folks it is Monday! What does Monday mean for the Moores??? The wee men go off to school. The big man goes to work and I CLEAN.

I dust, do the mirrors, give the kitchen a good wipe down, vacuum, clean the toilets (a fun job in a house with 3 guys),and do 2 loads of laundry. In general just CLEAN.

Sadly with Monday comes homework, and A has not been on his A game if you know what I mean. I am having to be the "drill sergeant" and I am verrrrry tired of his inablity to stay on task.

N and I dealt in "homework" today as well. We practiced writing lower case t, b, and f. They do this cute little thing about sky line, plane line, grass line and worm line in kindergarten. Well we got some practice out of him today.

I also made the day for every one---scratch BROWNIES. Yes I one makes brownies from scratch anymore. But I don't like them out of the box....and let me tell you I was lovin' these brownies. I had three before the kids got home from school.

The other big news---The Walt Disney World Vaction stuff arrived today. I can' wait for this trip.

MONDAYS DINNER PLAN: Asian Ckicken salad (that we should've had last night).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Moore Moment Beginnings

For years I have titled our annual "Moore Moments", and I have noticed this trend to "blog" daily family life to keep family and friends informed.

So here goes---perhaps a more regular version on MOORE MOMENTS.

I have no pics today to accompany todays entry....sorry hopefully this will improve as well.

We were up early as usual as N. is a early riser. After getting ready for the day, we headed to the "other side of the world" where most of D.s family lives. We were all meeting for Grandma P.s birthday breakfast at Mimi's Cafe. We really enjoyed there birthday embarrasment for Grandma but the food was just okay (except for the muffins. Ain't nothin' wrong with those muffins). We passed Ds. neice around and must say she is a really cute baby. Grandma P. suggest we should have another one....I told her it was a new baby or a job. I got a job last Monday..too bad.

I am getting excited about starting my "job" on Friday. I will be working at a local quilt store on Fridays. It doesn't pay much but there are lots of benifits. I get out of the house, converse with adults who aren't teachers. And when it's time to go back to the real world, I can say I did work and volunteer.

Sunday dinner:Hot Dogs---still stuffed from breakfast this morning.

Hope for the week: A has a better school week. His birthday is this week and I would hate for him to have to do 2 hours of homework on his birthday.

Goal for the week:Get pictures downloaded from the summer and get my quilt album caught up.